Friday, December 29, 2006

Last Post of the Year

As some of you guys know, I'm getting married, though I'm already married, but it's not finished yet, so I'm really gonna get married, but on paper I already am.

Oh whatever.

So here's the last post of the year for me. I'll be back around January 20th, with new articles and new stuff about music and politics and seo and search and the web and marketing and design.

Oh yeah, almost forgot, here's me and the beautiful Mrs. Rumblepup.

Happy New Year!


rumblepup said...

Why Thank You! She's blushing.

Oh she just loves this blogging thing.

ctabuk said...

Well there is no need for me to add that you have excellent taste - but I will anyway!
We wish you both a very happy New Year and many, many more of them. Yours David